• Hi,

    I am Johanna Marie !

  • I am devoted to giving space to the Being to express

    I am taking a stand for humans to come back to their magic and sacred spaces.


    My job is to hold space for transformation with clarity, lightness and depth. I am devoted to support you live your most expansive, expressive, authentic life.


    I am a Life Explorer going on extraordinary Adventures, exploring the depths of existing and emerging cultures as well as the potential of living as a human being. I create Bridges between modern and archetypal cultures, european and chinese civilisation, Nature and Humans.


    I am a multi-passionate person. These different passions guided me to explore planet Earth through many paths and gaining, cultural relativity and a holistic worldview. I have inspired hundreds of people around the world to bring their authentic creative Beings into life.



    My story


    My life has been and is a big adventure, I am just turning 30 and I feel I already had three or four lives.


    I felt drawn from my childhood to things that were out of the Box. At 2 years old, I was speaking about Death and with 5, I already had a collection of different types of crystals to test their effects. Then, I started to explore the world of music, Chinese culture, and Nature. I was shy, introverted, and very sensitive to other's people's emotional bodies.


    One common thing I experienced is that I naturally was going for what I felt an attraction to.


    That is why with 16, I head off to China for a year, in total immersion like a teenager's life there back in 2008's China. That one year experience (thanks to AFS) has been a turning point in my life. I realized that, as human beings, we are actually all living in different realities and each reality is a world on its own, that we can inhabit them, embody them at the same time, navigate from one to another. I discovered we are conditioned by our culture, family, school, and society to think in a certain way, and that this certain way is creating our personal reality.


    Living in a city with polluted air, poor water quality, and destruction of land, I realized how much planet Earth was being destroyed by our disconnection from her. That is why I dedicated my studies at university in France to food engineering and specialized in sustainable agriculture, rural development, and food systems. Working on creating sustainability in the area of food and agriculture, I realized the importance of awareness, human consciousness, and having a holistic approach for change. During a stay at Polin's house in Taiwan in January 2014, I heard for the first time of ecovillages and intentional communities. This opened me up later to write the first master thesis about the influence of ecovillages on their territory back in 2015 (you can read it here, in french language).


    I have navigated the world from China to Mexico, speaking fluently five langagues, have already passed through four careers in modern culture (food engineer, private off the beaten path guide in China, english/chinese teacher) and I am coming closer to who I am now.


    I struggled with self-confidence and self-esteem from a very young age being extremely shy and insecure. I was not feeling connected to my body and had no sense of my worth. I was often asking questions about how I should do things, asking for advice, looking for the answers through other people, giving my power away to them, feeling confused. At the same time, I struggled a lot to relax and felt globally deeply exhausted in my mind as in my heart resulting in feeling lost and confused. I lost my vitality and my spark for life for almost three years.

    I have tried practices like meditation and yoga but it’s always felt like a “should do” and not something that really turned on my light again.


    My research led me to explore my shadows and reclaim my power and my worth. I found that I was not a box full confusion and that I have a source of clarity, I am my source of aliveness!

  • A Path of Initiations

    Life is ongoing initiations ...


    I received Initiations & Certifications from a variety of great teachers from all over the world and through a deep commitment towards myself to follow my Soul's purpose.

    These are some important initiations and steps for me in this Life :


  • More about me

    I am passionate about many things in life and here are the things the brings me joy, aliveness and connection :

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    Dance and movement

    I feel deeply connected with my aliveness by expressing it through my body.


    I started to find a deeper connection to my body through discovering Taichi at the age of 22. Year after year, I have been deepening awareness of sensations in my body. My favorite practices are Taichi, Qigong, Contact Improbabilities, 5 Rhythms, Shaking medicine, Bal folk.


    I grew up in Brittany, west of France where a deep sense of traditional dance and music through Fest Noz tradition. These places are for me powerful to feel alive and connection with other Beings.

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    Violin and music

    What makes my heart sing is creating and inventing new ways of connecting through music and dance. I love jamming/improvising with my violin because of its ephemeral nature.


    Music is universal language, a way of expressing myself and one of the most beautiful a way to connect people.



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    Chinese culture

    Many people told me I had past lives in China so much I have absorbed the culture and integrated it.


    My first time in China at the age of 16 became one of my most transformative experience in my life. Living in a cantonese host family in Foshan for a year, my whole European and family culture got shattered. This deep attraction to explore this culture brought me to spent four years mainly in China, Taiwan, and traveling in different part of Asia.

    Through Buddhism and Taoism, I experienced the depth of Eastern wisdom about illusions, nothingness, duality, death, past lives... I deeply connect with the Yin-Yang symbol to relate with the world and bring it into my life.

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    Connecting with Nature

    Connecting to the water, the trees, the stones, learning about the land that has been created between Nature and Human.


    Walking for hours without knowing where I go, following the knowledge of my body and the inspiration of the moment.

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    Good Mood Food

    Anyone who has been around me, knows my excitement when it is about food. Food is, with music, the most powerful for me to connect with people and the land.


    If you are around, let's share a magic meal together !